Ottawa Community Schools Network (OCSN) Resources

Resources and programs in our community that are available to our students and families.
Dear Holland Parents, Students, and Families;
As we face life challenges in the midst of this pandemic through another school shutdown, we at Holland Public Schools and Ottawa Community Schools Network (OCSN) want to make sure our students and families are informed and are utilizing the resources in our community that are in place to service those in need.
We, your OCSN team, Caity DeBoard, Lauren DeRoo, and Lauren Gray are working diligently to make sure we are informed with both COVID and non-COVID resources and programs in our community that are available to our students and families. We are able to assist with:
- Basic Needs (food, clothing, housing)
- Mental Health Referrals (counseling, support groups, crisis connections)
- Food Pantry Information
- Dental, Vision, and Medical Service Referrals
- Utility Bill Assistance
- Internet Service Access
- Holiday Assistance
- And MORE! Just ask!
We are continuing to work during this shutdown, so please contact us and we will work with you to find the help that you need. We are also attaching a Holland Community Resource Guide with many of the common resources we are asked about and feel are the greatest needs of our Holland families. Use this guide to help you but PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to reach out to us as well - WE ARE HERE TO HELP!
Caity DeBoard, LLMSW
Community School Coordinator, Jefferson Elementary
Lauren DeRoo, LLMSW
Community School Coordinator, Holland Middle School
Lauren Gray
Community School Coordinator, Holland High School