March 10, 2025

2025-2026 Course Scheduling

Students in 8th-11th have had the opportunity for the last several weeks to complete our course planning activities with students 1) learning about all of core and elective options available; 2)  tracking their personal progress towards graduation;  3) teachers talking with students about the next, most appropriate courses in each of the core content areas and 4) working with high school counselors to help select courses and complete their online academic plan.  Each of these activities had students going into the Multi-Year Academic Planning Tool in their Infinite Campus portal accounts.

You may recall from earlier correspondence that the Multi-Year Academic Planning Tool will allow students to build a roadmap to and through the high school graduation requirements. This tool allows future plans to change while maintaining the integrity of plans in action.  It is the hope of the Counseling Department that with the introduction of this tool, parents feel more engaged in the course planning process, and have a better understanding of all the possibilities for meeting the Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements, as well as requirements for earning a Holland High School diploma. 

High school counselors will go through all student schedule requests to ensure all courses selected are correct and will make any changes necessary based on a student's need to meet Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements.  If students have not yet selected their courses,  counselors will select them for students adding in both core and elective options.  Please have your student log into his/her portal account,  show you his/her academic plan and double check the courses selected.  Have a conversation about the appropriateness of his/her course plans and engage in dialogue about how these plans fit with your child’s postsecondary goals.  To help aid in that conversation, please utilize our course guide.  The course guide is filled with course descriptions, grade-level appropriateness and prerequisites.  With the course guide at your disposal, you can pursue all courses at Holland High .    

Choosing high school classes is a process that may raise many questions.  For your convenience, attached to this letter is the comprehensive step-by-step Multi-Year Academic Planning Guide that was provided to assist your student in selecting courses for the 2025-26 academic year as well as build his/her academic plan.

If after looking over your students academic plan there is a need for a course change, please have your student make that change in their academic plan.   The online scheduling window will close on Friday, March 21.  After March 21, students will not be able to make changes on their course requests and the courses listed in the Academic Planning tool will be used to build our master schedule, which is built and driven by course selections.

  • The classes offered next year are determined by which classes student select in their course plans, 

  • Selecting appropriate courses on the initial course plan is extremely important. 

  • After the scheduling process is completed, changes will only be considered based on the following criteria: 

    • to correct credit deficiencies, 

    • to correct placement errors, and 

    • to ensure enrollment in classes required for graduation

Lastly, as you and your child go through this process there are bound to be questions. If you or your child still have questions, please feel free to reach out to your child’s counselor using the email addresses below.  We will be happy to assist you!

Mrs. Hemmeke: (A-J)   616-494-2076

Mrs. Nichols: (A-J)   616-494-2076

Mrs. Siegel (K-Sa) and HVRT   616-494-2031

Mrs. Loveland (Sc-Z) and HEC   616-494-2061