Teachers Live Here Grant Awarded to Autumn Starkey

Congratulations to Autumn Starkey, 5th Grade teacher at Holland Heights - the latest recipient of a Teachers Live Here Grant. Autumn has been award $29,000 toward the down payment and closing costs of a home in the Holland School District.
Living in Holland would help me become more involved and immersed in the Holland community. As a teacher, it is important to be a part of the community because then I can have more of an understanding of what my students' families are going through, learning about their experiences, and how to best support their students in the classroom.
My husband and I plan on starting a family in the next few years, and we would like for our children to go to school in the Holland Public school system. I really love what the district has to offer and the advocacy I see for students and families.
This is the second of ten grants that will be awarded during the 2024-2025 school year (July1-June30).
Teachers Live Here was launched 2 years ago with the support of donations from a family in the Holland community and the Holland Educational Foundation.