The Next "Snow Day" Might Be a "Snow Delay"

For the remainder of the academic calendar, if it is safe to do so, Superintendent Nick Cassidy will consider calling a 2-hour delay rather than a full snow day! This will help ensure students are in school when it is safe for them to be and that we don't have to extend the school calendar beyond June 4.
Each year, school districts around the State of Michigan are allowed up to six snow days a year. After the sixth snow day students and staff have to make up any additional days at the end of the academic year (unless the snow days are forgiven by the State). Holland Public Schools currently has had five snow days this year.
For the remainder of the academic calendar, if it is safe to do so, Superintendent Nick Cassidy will consider calling a 2-hour delay rather than a full snow day! This will help ensure students are in school when it is safe for them to be and that we don't have to extend the school calendar beyond June 4.
It has been several years since HPS has called a for a delay; here is what a 2-hour delay means:
- School will start 2-hours later than normal.
- Morning buses will run 2-hours later than normal.
- Breakfast and Lunch will still be served.
- An alternate schedule will be followed for instruction time.
- School will end at the regular time.
- Afternoon Buses will run at their regular times.
As always, the best way to get school delay and cancellation information is through Remind. A Remind message about delays/cancellations will be sent before 5:30am. The district website, social media channels, and local media outlets will also be updated after a Remind message is sent.