January 22, 2025

Jefferson News

Hello Jefferson Families,

We hope that you are staying warm this snowy and blowy week!! There are many amazing things to celebrate at Jefferson! During the month of December and the first half of January, we have had a large decrease in the daily/weekly number of behavior incidents. That means the positive behavior supports that we have been working so hard to put in place are paying off! Coming up on Friday, January 31st, classrooms have the opportunity to earn a Hot Chocolate Bar. Classrooms earn this reward by collecting 300 Power H Tickets. Power H tickets are given to students by Jefferson staff to acknowledge positive behavior. Please check out this link If you would like to donate items, or have a couple hours to help run the Hot Chocolate Bar: Donation and Volunteer Sign-Up 

Please help keep our Jefferson kiddos warm! Students go outside to play unless the air temperature is below 10 degrees, or the windchill is below -10 degrees. Plan to send your student(s) outdoor clothing (snow pants, boots, mitten, winter coat, and hat) each and every day. Please also let your student(s) know that they are expected to wear their winter clothing when going out to recess. It is a good idea to label outdoor clothing with names because many students have similar looking items. We still have many donated winter clothing items. Contact our office if your child(ren) is in need of anything.

With the temperatures being so cold, it is extremely important that students are dropped off and picked up at the correct time. Student drop-off begins at 8:15 AM. Before that time there is no supervision on the playground. All students, except bus riders and preschoolers, get dropped off in the drop-off lane and walk onto the playground. Students should not enter the main office during this time as we are not equipped for supervision. If you need childcare before school starts, then please look into our free Books and Games Club: https://www.hollandpublicschools.org/our-schools/jefferson/books-games/

School ends at 3:36 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and at 2:36 PM on Wednesdays. Please make sure to talk to your student(s) about after school transportation plans and communicate any changes to the office and/or the classroom teacher as soon as possible.

Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions or concerns.


Sara Folkert, Principal

Jennifer Heinritz, Assistant Principal