September 23, 5-6:30pm

Facility Feedback Sessions

Your feedback and ideas are crucial in shaping the FUTURE of our educational facilities!

Monday, September 23, 5-6:30pm at District Administration Building, 320 W.24th

  • PAST - We'll share an update on all the progress of the Build 2021 Bond projects
  • PRESENT - We'll take a look at the current facility needs for the District
  • FUTURE - We'll listen to your input about how best to address educational and athletic facility needs

Three 30-minute drop-in sessions will be held (5pm, 5:30pm, and 6pm). Everyone in the community is invited to participate in these sessions.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for small group discussion on the following key areas:

  1. Updates and Questions about Progress on the Build 21 Bond: Do you have specific questions or seek clarification regarding the condition, capacity, or accessibility of our school facilities?

  2. Community Facility Needs: Share your thoughts and any concerns about the current state of our Instructional and athletic facilities. What, if any,  improvements or enhancements would better support the educational experience for our students, staff, and families?

  3. Community Desires for the Facility: Envision the ideal educational environment for our students. What features, amenities, or resources, if any, would you like to see incorporated into our school facilities to enhance learning, extracurricular activities, and our community?