Drop-off and Pick-up Traffic at Longfellow
Mr. Derr explains how pick-up and drop-off will work while at Longfellow Elementary.
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REMIND is the best way to get “Snow Day” announcements from HPS.
Congratulations to the following HTS Students who didn't miss a day in the first half of the school year!
Many find the holidays a time of sadness and stress. A new study showed that 64% of people with mental illness report holidays make their conditions worse. But even without a diagnosis of a mental illness, sadness and stress are very real feelings.
Here are some suggestions to make the holidays less stressful and more joyful:
NO SCHOOL on December 21- January 5
This month read more about:
- HPS Nutrition Service is awarded grant to provide students with locally grown fruits & vegetables
- Thank you to local food providers!
REMEMBER: All HPS students are provided Breakfast & Lunch at no cost!
This week we talk with Patty Beatty, Director of Early Childhood at HPS, about all the great things happening in our pre-school classrooms.
As the Winter Athletic Seasons gets underway in the Dutch Dome (and Holland Aquatic Center), here is a reminder about some of the rules and expectations for students and families who attend games/meets:
- Middle school age and younger MUST be an accompanied by an adult
- No student backpacks
- No re-entry for any spectators
- All school rules apply during events
- The Dome and the parking lots are a drug free school zone which includes any vape products.