June 2, 2024

Brumels Awarded 15th Teachers Live Here Grant

West Elementary's Bailey Brumels will recieve a $25,700 grant to help with the down payment on a home.  And, because, she's purchasing a home within the district, she'll also receive $2,500 to assist with closing costs.

The Teachers Live Here grant would make our dream more affordable. We arelicensed foster parents and would like more space to accommodate children in need and wouldlove to grow our family. We were fortunate enough to have two young boys in foster care livewith us in the fall, and we were able to enroll one of them at West Elementary. Although they stayed only 6 weeks, we drove to West together every morning! I loved seeing how genuinely excited the staff were to see our foster child and how much they cared for him in the short timehe was with us. Holland cares. This is why Holland means so much to us and why we want topurchase a home within the district.

This community is a place where we feel as though we are truly home, genuinely cared for, and meaningfully appreciated. As my husband and I are beginning our family, establishing roots, and calling a place our own, we hope to also show the community that we care. We wantto show students and their families that they are welcome, loved, and supported. This is a place that we love and hope to continue to love with our time, both professional and personal, and our presence.

Brumels with Kate Bolt, Ex Director of Holland Educational Foundation