Red Note - HLA Newsletter

February 16, 2025
Week 24, Sunday, February 16, 2025

Hello Families,

Thank you to everyone who attended conferences last week! It was wonderful to see so many of you and to connect about 70 families to Amira, our online reading program.

Final Conference Night

For those attending conferences this Wednesday, February 19 (4:15–7:15 PM), please remember to bring an electronic device (iPad, laptop, or phone) to assist with accessing resources.

Important Reminders

  • No "Red Note" Newsletter on Sunday, February 23

  • Schedule Changes Next Week:

    • Thursday, February 20 – Half Day

    • Friday, February 21 – No School

Thank you for your continued support!

COACHES STILL NEEDED! - Spring 2025 Total Trek Quest

We are excited to offer Total Trek Quest to our HLA 3rd-5th grade boys again this spring, but we need volunteer coaches to make it happen! TTQ coaches receive FREE registration for their student(s)! We are in need of one more coach for each day of practice (Monday/Wednesday). For more information about these coaching positions, see here.

Hope College Math Night 

We are so glad that so many of you were able to join us for our Hope College Family Math Fun Nights earlier this year. We hope you had as much fun as we did!

   We are also excited to announce our third Family Math Fun Event of the year, which will be held at Hope College on Saturday, March 8, 10 am - 12 pm! Once again we will be offering a wide variety of engaging math games and puzzles for families to enjoy as well as treats and goodie bags for all participants. We'd love to see you back again, and you can learn more about the event at the website below (and attached flyer).

Complete Family Math Fun Flyer 3.8.25.pdf

HPS Family Engagement Night | 

The February Family Engagement Night is a Job/Career Fair. 16 area employers will be  at Holland High School on Tuesday, February 18, 3:30-6pm.  Jobs for adults and students! Get all the details at

HPS Power H Shop Donation Drive | February

Help us stock the shelves of the Power H ShopAll month, we are accepting donations in the Give Back Box outside the front office. Our most needed items include hygiene and household cleaning products. You can also purchase items to be shipped directly to the shop using our Amazon Wish List. All donations directly benefit HPS students and families in need. Thank you for your support!

Holland Recreation Summer and Fall Program Registration | Now Open!

All summer and fall 2025 programs are now open for registration on the Holland Parks and Recreation website. They provide programs for adults and kids of all ages from May - October and offer scholarshipsto ensure students facing financial need still have the opportunity to participate. Some programs are sure to fill quickly, so don't wait to visit their websiteand register!

January Attendance Data + Important Reminders

We celebrate that in the month of January, 82% of our HLA students attended school regularly! We want to congratulate Maestra Gonzalez-Urbina’s class for winning our attendance challenge last month with 95% attendance. Thank you to Quality Car Wash for sponsoring January’s attendance celebration! We have seen a decrease in attendance this past month, so we ask that you please continue to call in absences to the office, schedule appointments during breaks or after school hours whenever possible, and encourage your child to wash their hands and cover their cough to prevent sickness. Not sure whether to send your child to school when they have mild symptoms? Check out this great resource from our school nursing team. Please reach out to our Community Coordinator, Ashley Golin ( if there are any barriers to attendance that we can help address. 

 School climate survey!

If you haven’t already done so, please complete our school climate survey (one survey per family). The results from this survey provide us with important feedback that helps guide our school improvement efforts. The survey window closes on Friday, February 28. Thank you!

Tienda PODER | Volunteers Needed Every Week!

We are in need of volunteers to help run HLA’s PODER (“POWER”) Store! Every Friday, the PODER Store visits several classes for 20 minutes so that students can buy a prize with their PODER tickets. Students receive PODER tickets throughout the week for following our behavior expectations. We need 1-2 volunteers for each time slot. If you are interested in volunteering, you can sign up here. If you’d like to help, please be sure to also fill out Holland Public’s volunteer form before visiting. Thank you for your consideration!

Upcoming Events:  We’ll keep you updated as new events are added because your involvement is important to us. Stay tuned for our calendar of events, and we look forward to having you join us!

  • Math Carnival, Thursday, March 20, 6:00-7:00 pm

  • 3rd - 5th Grade Spring Music Concert, May 13 

Choir concert for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students at Holland High School’s Performing Arts Center.
3rd: Arrive at 5:40, Perform from 6:00 - 6:25
4th: Arrive at 6:10, perform from 6:35 - 7:00
5th: Arrive at 6:45, perform from 7:05 - 7:30

  • Glow Dance, Friday, April 18, 6:00-8:00 pm

  • Talent Show, Friday,  May 2 (during the school day)

  • Fifth Grade Graduation, Wednesday May 28, 6:00-7:00 pm

  • Field day, Monday, June 2 (during the school day)