
22 Credits! That is the magic number of course credits needed to graduate from Holland High (see visual below; each semester class = 0.5 credits). Embedded in the journey to 22 are 18 credits required by the State of Michigan, called the Michigan Merit Curriculum. Although these numbers are set, there are a variety of paths that a student can take on their journey. Your counselors are here to help students navigate their high school years and help achieve the goal of walking across the stage, having earned a Holland High diploma!

We are excited to support your high school journey toward graduation!

Section 21f of the FY2013 State School Aid Act expands access to digital learning options for students in Michigan.  This legislation enables public school students in grades 6-12, with the consent of a parent or guardian, to enroll in up to two online courses during an academic semester.  Enrollment in online courses under Section 21f cannot result in a course load that exceeds a full-time schedule. These courses will contain letter grades just like regular courses.

If you are interested in this option, please consider completing the 21F Request Form to request your online course. Upon enrollment, students will be required to meet and communicate with the 21f Coordinator periodically throughout the semester.

Dual Enrollment is designed to provide qualified students the opportunity to pursue courses beyond what is offered through the high school which align with their college and career goal area. Both the student and the course need to qualify for dual enrollment as follows:


  • Student Eligibility: Students can qualify with scores from specified scores on SAT, ACT, PLAN, or PSAT. Table available with qualifying scores at Michigan Department of Education website. Michigan Minimum Dual Enrollment Qualifying Scores
  • Course Eligibility: HPS participates in the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act (PSEO) and, therefore, provides payment per the per pupil spending allowance for each class/school hour. (Eligible courses are those not offered at the high school, are generally core courses or specific career prep, not areas of craft, hobby, recreation, theology, religion).
  • If the course is not eligible for PSEO, the student may still be able to take the course if their test scores meet eligibility requirements, however, the student/family would need to cover the cost of the course.

Students must apply first through their high school for eligibility, then apply through the college or university for admission and course registration.

Steps required through HHS for potential Dual Enrollment:

  1. Determine if you qualify with your test scores which can be found on your College Board account and compare them with the Michigan Minimum Dual Enrollment Qualifying Scores. Determine if the course you would like to take is eligible. (see above)
  2. Discuss with parent/guardian: Prospective Dual Enrollment Letter. The letter must be signed by parent and student. Letter Dual Enrollment Considerations.
  3. Submit signed Letter Dual Enrollment Considerations above and HHS Dual Enrollment Permission to the Student Success Office. She will help you consider courses that interest you and align with your college/career plans, how the college course could potentially fit with your HHS schedule, and the steps needed to enroll in the college dual enrollment program.
  4. HHS Principal and Counselor will review student and course eligibility for dual enrollment PSEO contribution and counselor will respond to student by email.

Steps required by the college/university for Dual Enrollment - (details and links below for some area colleges):

  1. Apply to college using the college's dual enrollment application (found on their website or link below). PSEO funding can only be used at participating Michigan public or private colleges, not out of state schools. Below you can find specific links and costs for Hope College, Davenport University, and GRCC. While these have been the most common colleges for dual enrollment, students are welcome to pursue application for dual enrollment with any college.
  2. Student must apply to the college for dual enrollment admission and enroll in the college course with the registrar from the specific college.







The Independent Study program is designed to provide the student with educational opportunities that may not be available in the regular curriculum. This can range from remedial to advanced work in various subject areas. Independent Study is to be arranged with the individual teacher, including a syllabus of study. Final approval for independent study rests with the principal. Application forms may be picked up from your counselor. Students must turn in weekly time slips to verify at least 6 hour per week. Students may not be enrolled in more than 2 non-traditional classes such as Independent Study, Community Classroom. Students must be in 11th or 12th grade to participate in this program.


Students are allowed to make schedule adjustments up to five (5) days into a term.  Requests for adjustments are made through the Drop Add Request Form Shared with all students when schedules are made available.  Any consideration for a course change after 5 days requires administrative approval.  

You can request adjustments using the Drop/Add Request Form.  Counselors will analyze the request and determine if the request can be made.  When changes can be made, students will receive an email alerting him/her to that change made in Infinite Campus.  Until such time, students will follow their original schedule.

The following criteria will be used:

1.         Schedule changes must have a specific educational reason for the change to be considered which falls within the guidelines of:  a change in program direction, previous documented conflict with a staff member/student in the class, failure of a course, teacher initiated due to lack of pre-requisite skills.

2.         A schedule change cannot create an overload.

3.         A schedule change should not create an unbalanced class load with courses.

Students choosing to enroll into AP and music performance classes are making a commitment to remain in the class for the duration of the entire course.  AP and music performance classes are two semester commitments.  Students will only be allowed to drop these courses under extraordinary circumstances and must be approved by administration or counselor.


Michigan Department of Education and HPS require 0.5 credit of PE to graduate. Credit can be fulfilled through "PE course or district approved sport or activity that documents 68 hours of physical activity AND verification form completed and signed by the coach or activity director." Activity must occur during high school years. More than one season or sport may be combined for 0.5 PE credit requirement. Please complete this form, documenting dates and times, to apply for the PE waiver. If using more than one sport, band, or activity season, please use additional forms.


A personal curriculum (PC) is a documented process that modifies certain requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) which must be met for the awarding of a high school diploma in Michigan.  A PC must be requested on an individual basis by contacting the student’s counselor and must meet certain conditions to be approved. Students grades 9-12 are eligible; students with a disability documented with IEP are eligible to modify the MMC to a greater extent.  Circumstances which allow a PC to be considered include: desire to modify Algebra 2 requirement, desire to go beyond academic credits required by adding more Math, Science, English or Foreign Language credits in exchange for some approved credit(s), or other modifications needed due to impact of a special education disability or transferring from out of state or country and having completed 2 years of high school.  A parent/legal guardian or student with adult status can request a PC for their student by contacting the student’s counselor. 

The Michigan school code requires that students be provided with an opportunity to demonstrate mastery in a particular class through a “testing out” process.  Competency is demonstrated by achieving a 77% on the “testing out” assessments and the student will receive credit and apply toward the credits required for graduation. (Only Michigan colleges/universities qualify for PSEO funding allowance.)

Students must request “testing out” using the request form.  “Test out” opportunities will take place each semester in December and June. .  

Test Out Request Form

PATH began in 1986 as a cooperative project between Hope College and the Ottawa Area Intermediate School District. PATH was developed to serve academically gifted middle school students by offering fast-paced and accelerated instruction in composition, literature, mathematics and biology. 

PATH Classes and Credit Opportunities at HHS

(Updated 2-13-20)


  • HHS Credit:  Students do not earn HHS credit for this PATH course
  • HHS Placement:  Honors Algebra 1


  • Course Grade required for HHS Credit and Placement:  77%
  • HHS Credit:  1.0 credit of Algebra 1 AND Algebra 2
  • HHS Placement:  Honors Geometry


  • Course Grade required for HHS Credit and Placement:  77%
  • HHS Credit:  1.0 credit of High School Geometry
  • HHS Placement:  PreCalculus (if Algebra 1 and 2 credit also earned)


  • HHS Credit:  Students do not earn HHS credit for this PATH course
  • HHS Placement:  Honors English 9 


  • Course Grade required for HHS Credit and Placement:  77%
  • HHS Credit:  1.0 credit of High School English 9
  • HHS Placement:  Honors English 10


  • Course Grade required for HHS Credit and Placement:  77%
  • HHS Credit:  1.0 credit of High School Biology
  • HHS Placement:  Honors Chemistry

The Holland Public Schools Board of Education authorizes early graduation for students who meet the following criteria:

  1. Have satisfied all course requirements and conditions for graduation,
  2. Have demonstrated how an alternative to continuing their high school education would be beneficial to their future educational goals.

Requests for early graduation are granted only if approved by the Principal.

Students interested in being considered for Early Graduation, either a semester early or a full school year early, should meet with their counselor to discuss their credits completed and still needed, as well as their rationale for applying to graduate early. In addition, the Early Graduation Application found below, should be completed.

Please consider that high school is beneficial for more than just completing required courses, but also provides opportunities and time for students to develop socially and emotionally in preparation for the challenges of college or career. Most colleges want to know that students are ready both in academics and in maturity.

A student may benefit from early graduation if he/she is:

  • Socially mature
  • Academically advanced
  • Has participated in or considered:
    • Honors and AP coursework
    • Dual enrollment
    • Community based learning opportunities
    • Careerline Tech Center
  • Has a once in a life time opportunity such as international travel or an internship opportunity
  • Has addressed any physical or mental health concerns with counseling, potential 504 Plan, or with their doctor
  • Has a unique life circumstance (such as housing, need to work, potential move)