
No matter the student, Holland Public Schools offer programs that are right for them.

Mathematicians and musicians. Readers, writers and robotics enthusiasts. The curious and the creative. All students find a place that fits their needs and a path that nurtures their interests. The breadth of our programming is matched only by the diversity of the students that learn, grow and succeed here.

Learn more about the Academic programs that help make Holland Public Schools Right for You!:

What​ ​Is​ ​The​ ​Law​ ​All​ ​About? 

  • In an effort to boost reading achievement, Michigan lawmakers passed Public Act 306 in October 2016 
  • To help more students be proficient by the end of 3rd grade, the law requires extra support for K-3 students who are not at grade level in reading

What​ ​Is​ ​HPS​ ​Doing​ ​To​ ​Help​ ​My​ ​Student? 

  • Your school will use tests to identify students that need extra help with reading
  • If your child is identified, your school will provide your child with an Individual Reading Improvement Plan (IRIP) to support him/her in his/her reading
  • Parents will be invited to provide input through a document mailed home. 

How​ ​Will​ ​This​ ​Affect​ ​My​ ​Child? 

  • Your child will be given additional support to work towards grade level expectations.


Holland Early College offers an exciting choice for 9th-13th grade students. Located within Holland High, Holland Early College offers enrolled students the opportunity to earn a Holland High diploma while also earning up to 62 transferable college credits.  In some cases, students graduate with an Associate's Degree.

In partnership with Davenport University, students are able to begin exploring a general applied associate's degree or begin career pathways in technology, engineering, health fields, or a developing teacher preparation program. Alumni of this program have obtained successful careers and/or are continuing their post-secondary education in pursuits of four-year degrees.

Learn more about Holland Early College.

Dual enrollment allows students  to enroll in college courses for credit prior to high school graduation. College credits earned through dual enrollment can be simultaneously applied toward high school and college graduation and can be transferred to other colleges or universities. 

HPS participates in the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act (PSEO) and, therefore, provides payment per the per pupil spending allowance for eligible course(s).

Learn more about Dual Enrollment.

Holland Public partner with Careerline Tech Center to help students prepare for the future.

Recognizing that all students learn differently, the Tech Center offers a variety of options. If college is the goal, direct credit options and articulation agreements with area colleges allow students to earn college credits while taking a Tech Center class. State and national certifications can also be earned in classes like Engineering, Mechatronics/Robotics, Healthcare, and Web & Game Development.






Visual Arts


All K-8th grade students at HPS have a STEM class. This starts in Kindergarten, and goes through 8th grade. STEM focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in a hands-on integrated way.  K-5 grade students have STEM once a week, 6th and 7th grade students have STEM every day, and 8th graders take STEM as an elective.

Project Lead the Way

3-Year Project Lead the Way Pathway 

Introduction to Engineering Design

Students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects. They work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3-D modeling software, and use an engineering notebook to document their work.

Principles of Engineering

Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics, including mechanisms, the strength of structures and materials, and automation. Students develop skills in problem solving, research, and design while learning strategies for design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation.

ML Core Services Description: 2024-2025 - Language Assistance Program for all Multilingual Learners (MLs)

Kindergarten and newcomer monolingual Spanish speakers Kinder – 8th grade – Placement into TWBI program

  1. Enrollment form sent to HLA (if K-5) and family referred there.

  2. If parents opt out, a form is signed and the students will attend neighborhood school.

Proficiency Level

Service Time

Service Providers

Mode of Delivery



All day, every day

TWBI teachers

Two-Way Bilingual Immersion

General Fund

1.0-2.9, 3rd-8th grade

3-5: 30-45 min. every day

6-8: 2 periods a day

ML Teacher

Evidence Based Intervention Push-in or Pull-out during Literacy Block

(Visualizing and Verbalizing, Seeing Stars or System 44)

General Fund

Transitional Kindergarten - 5th grade (nonTWBI)

Proficiency Level

Service Time

Service Providers

Mode of Delivery


WIDA 1.0 – 2.9

15-45 minutes, 4-5 times per week

ML Teacher

Evidence Based Intervention Push-in or Pull-out during Literacy Block

(Visualizing and Verbalizing or Seeing Stars)

General Fund

WIDA 3.0-3.9

15-30 minutes, 3-4 times per week; 5 times if schedule permits

ML Teacher

Evidence Based Intervention Push-in, Pull-out during Literacy Block

(Visualizing and Verbalizing or Seeing Stars), or integrated ELD with co-teaching

General Fund

WIDA 4.0-4.7

15-30 minutes, 2-3 times per week; 5 times if schedule permits

ML Teacher

Evidence Based Intervention Push-in, Pull-out during Literacy Block

(Visualizing and Verbalizing or Seeing Stars), or integrated ELD with co-teaching

General Fund

FEL --> WIDA 4.8 +


ML teacher, classroom teachers, or counselors

Monitored for four years

Years 1-2: NWEA MAP data and Running records all administrations, PSAT / MSTEP data, classroom teacher input

Years 3-4: NWEA MAP data and Running records spring and fall, MSTEP data

General Fund


Holland Public Schools curriculum is aligned with Michigan Department of Education State Academic Standards K-12.The state academic standards serve to outline learning expectations for Michigan’s students and are intended to guide our local curriculum development. These standards should be used as a framework for curriculum development with the curriculum itself prescribing instructional resources, methods, progressions, and additional knowledge valued by our HPS community. These standards provide a platform for state assessments, which are used to measure how well schools are providing opportunities for all students to learn the content outlined by the standards. Horizontal alignment assures that all students have access to the same curriculum regardless of which Holland Public School they attend or teacher they are assigned. Vertical articulation addresses the transition between one grade or subject level to the next. At HPS, this is an ongoing process that is never fully complete as teachers and administrators continue to look at data, research, and resources and how well the curriculum is being implemented. We believe that ensuring that every student has the same access to curriculum and instruction is the right of every student at HPS!

At our district, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and effective curriculum that meets the diverse needs of our students. We utilize HMH (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Into Reading as our primary curriculum resource, ensuring consistency and alignment with educational standards. To support foundational literacy skills, we have integrated UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute) and Heggerty phonemic awareness programs into our teaching practices. Additionally, our team has collaboratively developed essential learning outcomes to guide instruction and student achievement. To further strengthen our approach, we have teachers currently engaged in training for LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling), empowering them with research-based strategies for reading instruction. This cohesive blend of resources and professional development enhances our ability to deliver high-quality education tailored to our students' needs.

At Holland Public Schools, we use the NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) MAP Growth assessments and Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System as key components of our curriculum. These benchmark assessments provide valuable data on each student's academic progress in reading, math, and other core areas. NWEA allows us to measure growth over time, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and tailor instruction to meet the unique needs of each student. Additionally, the Fountas & Pinnell assessment helps us gain deeper insights into students' reading levels and comprehension skills, enabling us to provide targeted support. This data-driven approach ensures that all students are on the path to academic success and receive the support they need to thrive.

Thank you for your interest in learning more about our district. To view annual reports or school improvement plans for individual schools, or to view district information, simply click on the building or district name below.

If you have questions for us, please give us a call. We will be happy to answer your questions. Your e-mails are welcome as well.

If you need help accessing any of these files please contact Liliana Figuero at  494-2042 for assistance.

Holland Public Schools has an uncompromising commitment to student achievement. Title One supports this commitment with federal funding that provides additional instructional services for our students who need extra time and instruction to succeed in school. Title One funding helps us reach our goal of providing opportunities and high quality education to ALL students, allowing students to reach their full potential and preparing them for the future. 

Buildings that benefit from Title 1 funding are:

Holland Middle

Holland Middle Family-School Compact


Jefferson Family-School Compact

Holland Heights 

Heights Family-School Compact


West Family-School Compact


HLA Family-School Compact


Parents who visit our buildings have most likely met some of our Instructional Assistants during the course of the year. These positions have been funded by Title One for the purpose of providing extra support in the core content areas.

Parent involvement is key to your student's success. Click here for the district parent Involvment Plan

We want HPS parents to be involved in decisions regarding their student(s) and school. If you would like to share your ideas about what your child learns, please contact your building principal. We'd love to have you be a part of the planning processes. 

If you are not sure who to talk to, please contact Brianna at 616-494-2040- she will point you in the right direction.

Online Learning

Section 21f of the FY2013 State School Aid Act expands access to digital learning options for students in Michigan.  This legislation enables public school students in grades 6-12, with the consent of a parent or guardian, to enroll in up to two online courses during an academic, semester.  Enrollment in online courses under Section 21f cannot result in a course load that exceeds a full-time schedule. Deadline for course enrollment is the last day of previous semester. These courses will contain letter grades just like regular courses.


First review the course offerings in Odysseyware courses on their site or look at the courses available in the Michigan's Online Course Catalog . Please be aware that not all Odysseyware courses are of enough rigor and may not be approved.

Additional parent resources include the following:

Parent Guide to Online Learning

Student Guide to Online Learning


Look over the Online Readiness Questionnaire to determine if it is a good fit for your student. (provided by Stanislaus State)


Attend a meeting with your counselor to decide what is best for your student. At this meeting you will receive a copy of the Student/Parent Contract.


Decide which courses to take and turn in the Contract to the Student Success Office by the appropriate deadline.  June 1st for the following fall semester and December 1st for the Spring semester.  Student(s) will be approved/denied and given notification. Student will meet with 21 Coordinator on 1st day of classes of semester.

Any questions please email at

Reproductive health involves a lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes. The four primary goals of reproductive health education are: 

  1. To provide accurate information
  2. To provide opportunities to explore, question, and assess attitudes, values, and insights
  3. To develop skills that foster positive relationships and interpersonal skills
  4. To help your people exercise responsibility regarding sexuality

Questions can be directed to Patti Dobias, the district director for school improvement, at 616 494-2040.

School Improvement

Associate Superintendent

Melissa Remillard
Administration Building

Program Supervisor

Pamela Souter
Administration Building

Administrative Assistant

Liliana Figueroa
Administration Building

Director of Early Childhood

Patricia Beatty
Administration Building

McKinney Vento/Fit Coordinator

Megan Boes
Administration Building

HPS 5-Year Facility Plan

This week Superintendent Nick Cassidy met with HPS staff members to share HPS' 5-year Facility Plan. This plan will:

  • Ensure Every Student and Staff Member at HPS benefits from upgraded, 21st-century facilities
  • Provide equitable access to programming
  • Right-size our district to reduce operational costs
  • Allow us to invest in our students, staff, and programs
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The Next "Snow Day" Might Be a "Snow Delay"

For the remainder of the academic calendar, if it is safe to do so, Superintendent Nick Cassidy will consider calling a 2-hour delay rather than a full snow day!  This will help ensure students are in school when it is safe for them to be and that we don't have to extend the school calendar beyond June 4.

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Perfect Attendance -First Semester

Congratulations to the following HHS Students who didn't miss a day in the first half of the school year!

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HPSPodcast 5.18

This week we talk with Patty Beatty, Director of Early Childhood at HPS, about all the great things happening in our pre-school classrooms.

Communication Survey

HPS GOAL: Engage and Inform parents and community members through consistent two-way communication.

HPS continues to work on engaging parents and the community through effective communication.   This has included using Remind, My Ride K-12, and Parent Portal.

The next level of work will be to 

  • Gather feedback from parents so we have an understanding of what they need and want
  • Streamline the enrollment and registration process
  • Create standards for communication so that parents are not overwhelmed with the number of messages received

We'll also host focus groups of parents on:

  • Thursday, January 9

If you are interested in participating in the Communication Focus groups, please drop us an email.