At HPS we Embrace, Engage, and Empower each Kindergarten student for success in an ever-changing world.


We’re glad that you’ve chosen Holland Public Schools for your child’s education.

No matter the student, Holland Public Schools offer programs that are right for them. Mathematicians and musicians. Readers, writers and robotics enthusiasts. The curious and the creative. All students find a place that fits their needs and a path that nurtures their interests. The breadth of our programming is matched only by the diversity of the students that learn, grow and succeed here.

Big Opportunity Week

Big Opportunity Week | February 3-7

At Holland, we off SMALL SCHOOLS so that every student gets the individual care they deserve, while still providing the BIG OPPORTUNITIES they need to succeed.

During Big Opportunity Week, we invite you to come visit our schools, meet teachers and principals, and start the enrollment process.

  • Tuesday, February 4, 5-7pm at WEST ELEMENTARY and NATURE-BASED HOLLAND HEIGHTS at Longfellow School
  • Thursday, February 6, 5-7pm Step Up to Learning at HOLLAND MIDDLE SCHOOL
  • Thursday, **March** 6, 5-7pm Find Your Fit at HOLLAND HIGH SCHOOL

Important Dates to Remember!

Kindergarten that's Right for ME!

Students in All Day, Every Day Transitional Kindergarten (TK)

  • Participate in a program that focuses on Students in literacy, social skills, and math development
  • Receive a variety of appropriately designed learning experiences – inside and outside of their classroom.
  • Meet every day for their full day program at Jefferson, Heights, West or HLA
  • Are prepared for the rigors of traditional HPS Kindergarten the following year

Students in All Day, Every Day Kindergarten (K)

  • Benefit from a strong literacy focused curriculum
  • Receive in-depth instruction in reading, writing and math
  • Receive hands-on experiences in social studies and science
  • Enjoy weekly instruction in music, art, physical education & STEM
  • Develop socially and emotionally
  • Meet every day, all day at West, Heights or Jefferson

Students in All Day, Every Day Two-Way Bilingual Immersion (TWBI)  

  • Participate in the full day program held at Holland Language Academy
  • Receive core HPS Kindergarten curriculum in Spanish in a dynamic and diverse setting, with the goal for every class to have 50% native English speakers and 50% native Spanish speakers (the defnition of TWBI)
  • Participate in engaging 90/10 instruction (90% Spanish/10% English) beginning in Kindergarten, and moving to 50/50 in the upper grades

Before & After

Before you enroll your child...

Before beginning an academic year, a kindergarten student must turn 5-years-old by September 1.  However, If your student turns 5 by December 1, you may be eligible for a Kindergarten Waiver. Please ask the secretary at your neighborhood elementary school for a kindergarten waiver form.

What you'll need to enroll your child: 

  • Proof of address. (Please bring a current bill, lease agreement or license that shows your current address.)
  • Photo ID of parent or guardian enrolling the student.
  • Student's birth certificate
  • Immunization records 
  • Proof of Hearing and Vision Testing

After completing the online registration, someone from your school will contact you to arrange a time for you to drop these items off at the school.

...after you enroll your child.

Our Kindergarten Screening Process helps us make sure we’re connecting with every student’s unique learning needs. We schedule individualized screening appointments for youngsters and parents on specific dates in May.

The results provide an evaluation resource for parents and teachers to review prior to finalizing the decision about program and class placement.

Once your enrollment is completed, we will contact you with information about K-Screening. Please continue to watch the HPS Website for information about K-Screening events in May and August.  

Every student enrolled in Kindergarten at Holland Public Schools earns a FREE summer scholarship to Ready For School!


Neighborhood Schools

At Holland Public, three neighborhood elementary schools welcome preK-5th grade students with experienced, caring teachers. Plus, the Holland Language Academy challenges TK-5th graders to explore core curriculum in a unique two-way, bilingual-immersion model.



HPS Core Values:

  • Success for All-Our students develop their innate abilities to be life, career, and college ready.
  • Educational Excellence-We provide state and nationally recognized academic programs and extra-curricular activities measured by high standards of performance and personalized support.
  • Innovation-We continuously improve through the study and implementation of best practices and programs with high expectations for achievement.  
  • Passion-We employ committed, talented, and passionate individuals who care for the students and families they serve.
  • Inclusion-It is our collective responsibility to foster respect, a sense of belonging, and success that honors each individual.
  • Equity-We ensure that our policies, practices, and programs serve our growing and evolving community.
  • Safety-We provide all students and staff powerful learning opportunities in safe, secure, and predictable environments.
  • Collaboration-We intentionally develop family and community partnerships to share the responsibility for the success of our students.
  • Proactive-We study and respond to the ever-changing needs of our community and intentionally invest the necessary resources to support our vision and mission.